Sunday, March 21, 2010

Freida Pinto The Next Bond Girl

The Slumdog Millionaire star Freida Pinto is all set to sizzle on screen, as the next Bond girl. The next Bond project will star Daniel Craig as James Bond, and will be directed by Kate Winslet’s separated husband Sam Mendes. According to reports by Britain’s Daily Mirror, the movie will be set in Afghanistan. This will be the 23rd James Bond movie.

Olivia Wilde is also rumored to be in talks with the production house to be cast as the second Bond girl in the movie, alongside Freida Pinto and Daniel Craig.

According to a source, “Sam (Mendes) has been talking about Bond for months now and is so excited about it. The project has been in the pipeline for months and Freida was always the dream Bond girl, but initially she was nervous about accepting it. This is going to be the most ambitious 007 yet. Sam plans to reinvent the genre.” The source also added that Peter Morgan scriptwriter of ‘The Queen’ also already finished the first draft of the Bond movie, and the production house promises that the movie will be visually stunning.

Freida Pinto is in a relationship with her Slumdog Millionaire co-star Dev Patel. Dev is also very happy with the way Freida’s career is progressing. He was heard joking to his friends that he would be delighted to see Freida rolling with James Bond.

Indian Entertainment News and Photos of Freida Pinto The Next Bond Girl

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